The preschool uses the Creative Curriculum for Preschool. It is one of the approved MSDE preschool curriculum choices. We also incorporate the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum. You may go to their websites from the links below for more information.
Our classrooms are organized so that the children are invited to particpate in a variety of learning experiences. There are centers for reading, writing, discovery, manipulatives, art, dramatic play and large and unit blocks. There is also an area for large group gathering and discussion. An outdoor play area provides opportunities for enhancement of physical development and skills.
The daily schedule provides a balance of activites in consideration of the child's total daily experience. It provides for alternating periods of quiet and active play. There is a balance of large-muscle and small-muscle activities. There is more than one option for grouping during the day including individual, small, and large groups. A balance of child-initiated and teacher-initiated activity is provided. The amount of time spent in a large group or teahcer-initated activity is limited. Developmentally appropriate materials and equipment are available. A variety of developmentally appropriate acitivites and materials are selected to emphasize concrete experiential learning.
11023 Liberty Road
Randallstown, MD 21133
(410) 922-6595
MSDE Birth-3 Developmental Support